Levin Urges Indictment of Rogue Biden and Anthony Blinken

2020 Election Interference 

to Coverup Hunter Biden’s Crimes

HiTlary Clinton also Indictable

Mark Levin Radio Show 5/31/24 6:45 to 8 p.m.

Mark Levin told his audience that if Trump wins the fall election for the White House he would be foolish to not to indict Rogue Biden and Sec. of State Rogue Anthony J. Blinken.

Of course, since Rogue Biden would no longer be president if Trump wins, Rogue Biden becomes indictable. The DOi* has a policy of not indicting sitting presidents due to constitutional issues. 

Because the New York conviction on trumped up charges against Trump means we have no rule of law, no law is the law violated but you get charged anyway … basically it’s a free-for-all to indict anyone for no reason except political hatred.

At the top of the second hour, Levin said the Trump case in NYC lays the foundation for indictment of Rogue Biden and Rogue Blinken.

Levin read from the 10/19/2020 letter from 51 [apparently retired] “big whigs” in the USA intel community that was used by Rogue Joe Biden to dismiss the story about the Hunter Biden laptop to unlawfully interfere with the 2020 election. 

Hunter Biden’s laptop allegedly documents various criminal acts of Rogue Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, a known x-druggie who is on trial for alleged gun law violations and alleged tax fraud. 

Hunter sued various parties involved in the legal chain of publicly exposing his laptop after he abandoned it at a repair shop; so the shop came into lawful possession of it through typical common bailment, failure to pay / pickup repaired property / pay for repair service. 

Rogue Joe Biden hatched a plot to conspire with 51 former officials to coverup Hunter’s crimes by claiming the laptop was a part of a Russian disinformation operation.

There was a federal campaign election crime there under the nebulous circumstances and precedent of Rogue Judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo case against former President Trump who was convicted on 34 fake felonies on 5/30/24.  

2016 – Clinton spent $100k on private detective work on women to find scandals about opponents. She told state police they would have to destroy a particular woman.

Clinton allegedly obtained false affidavits in an effort to coverup and silence negative stories about HiTlary Clinton.* Non-disclosure agreements are now a crime, says Levin, she must be indicted. 

In addition, Clinton’s campaign also allegedly funded the fraudulent Steele Dossier which was knowingly used  by FBI fired Director, James Comey, to falsely justify spying warrants against then candidate incumbent President Trump (2020) and in 2016 against Trump before he was elected.  

Allegedly, Clinton also criminally set up illegal servers in a closet in their NYC mansion for the purpose of evading Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Inspector General investigations, Congressional inquiries, and other subpoenas that could have been used to see what Clinton was doing.

Clinton also allegedly violated Department of State (DOS) classified documents protocols and related federal statutes. 

James Comey, a feckless cowardly FBI director, appeared on the Ophrah Winfrey show and smugly bragged about the dirty tricks he authorized against President Trump.

For example, Comey boasted that agents were sent to visit Gen. Flynn without following required protocol of requesting permission from Trump’s Chief of Staff. 

The FBI then allegedly falsely charged Flynn with perjury (a ‘process crime’) for statements he made to corrupt FBI rogues.

Flynn’s defense bankrupted him and after he pled guilty President Trump pardoned him.

Flynn apparently pled guilty without knowing the illegal tricks used by rogue FBI agents to entrap him. 

___ * DOi is Dept. of INjustice, so dubbed by Mark Levin Radio Show. Therefore, we no longer refer to the late DOJ. 



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