Corrupt FBI Arrested Eight Alleged Terrorists in NY, Philly, LA

Corrupt FBI Arrested Eight Alleged Terrorists in NY, Philly, LA

Rogue Biden Open Border

Working Well for ISIS

Other Enemies of USA People

6/11/24 from NY Post and Glen Beck COMMENTARY

Police investigation.

We now have confirmation that terrorists have entered the USA due to Rogue Biden’s open-border policies, used his CBP One App to cross the border, and slipped through despite their alleged ties to ISIS.

Rogue Biden’s open-border policies have allowed tens of millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to cross the border in addition to the tens of thousands the Government criminally flew in on private flights in violation of federal immigration law.

An exclusive NY Post story alleges that ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) arrested six Tajikistanians (Russian nationals) on a tip received from the corrupt FBI.

Two other alleged terrorists were arrested by the Joint Terrorism Task Force after eaves dropping on phone calls in which they discussed bombs.

Eight terrorists are not the only ones who are already here. Countless other “sleeper cells” await an opportunity to attack American citizens and Jewish Americans in the same vicious manner as they did in Russia twice this year already.

Color Revolution Sponsored by Same Ole Suspects

Meanwhile, Glen Beck alleges that the Department of State (DOS) is spearheading a “color revolution” (a coup d’etat) against We The People (THE Government) by training subversive operatives to do their bidding, especially people with computer programming skills. 9:08 – 9:30 p.m. 6/11/24 Glen Beck radio show

The co-founder of the organization behind the “color revolution” sponsored such a tech function. The foreign organization has funding from CIA props (ASDIA, etc.).

The matrix of organizations masquerade as investigative journalists and other operatives.

The subversives are now focused on attacking American citizens, congress members, our culture; etc., to mount a coup d’etat.

Corrupt FBI Warning

“In April, Wray warned lawmakers that a possible “coordinated attack” could take place in the US following an ISIS-K attack on a concert hall in Moscow — carried out by citizens of Tajikistan — that killed 145 people and wounded hundreds more.”*

Ref.: ___

* Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia,” by Social Links for Jennie Taer, 6/11/2024

Glen Beck Radio Show, 6/11/2024, first hour

See also:

With terror threats sky-high and the border wide open, brace for another 9/11

By Post Editorial Board, 6/11/2024

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