Corrupt FBI Manufactured Fake Evidence Against Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Corrupt FBI Manufactured Fake Evidence Against Trump at Mar-a-Lago

FBI Shut Off Surveillance Cameras

Judge Cannon Scrutinizing

Fraud Committed by Corrupt FBI
Criminal Violation of Trump’s Civil Rights

6/26/24 Chris Plante Radio Show COMMENTARY

Talk show host Chris Plante reviewed the fraud committed against former President Trump when corrupt FBI agents criminally staged manufactured evidence which they brought with them to bolster the fake “documents” case against Trump.

mafioso corrupt fbi agents with submachine guns raiding mar-a-lago
Mafioso-style corrupt FBI agents with submachine guns raiding Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. AI art by travbondurant from

Corrupt FBI agents manufactured fake “cover sheets” purporting to have classified documents associated with those; and 45 minutes of Mar-a-Lago’s surveillance camera video is conveniently missing.

Those facts alone are sufficient for the entire fake case to be dismissed with prejudice so Trump could bring suit against government agents who conspired to obstruct his civil rights.

Chris Plante is a political satirist who broadcasting from Washington, D.C., bringing humor to rather serious news and political issues, making it more palatable to the ear in an era of gross government corruption.

Shortly after the corrupt FBI arrived at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, they shut off the closed circuit video surveillance cameras.

“Shamelessy corrupt, filthy,” said Plante. (10:40 a.m., E.D.S.T.) comparing the corrupt FBI’s mistreatment of Trump to the HiTlary Clinton case in which she set up official USA servers in a closet in her NY mansion.

A former government agent called Chris’s show circa 10:57 a.m., from Eddyville, Ky., explaining that what the FBI did at Mar-a-Lago was a crime.

Comparison of Trump Case to Clinton’s Case

The following facts were rewritten from answers provided by MS Edge browser Ai, “Copilot”* and were not necessarily covered by Mr. Plante’s show during the first hour, supra.

Clinton’s purpose was, in part, allegedly to evade open records requests.

Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, oversaw the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.

AG Lynch met with Bill Clinton in a jet plane sitting of the tarmac of the airport in a meeting that has become infamous.

There, Lynch advised Mr. Clinton (an ex-felon who lied under oath but avoided prison by paying a $250,000 fine) that his wife and former First Lady and Sec. of State, Hitlary,** would not be charged criminally.

The FBI conducted a year-long investigation, led by then-Director James Comey, which found evidence of violations of statutes regarding handling classified information.

Comey recommended against criminal charges, stating that Clinton’s actions didn’t warrant prosecution.*

Investigators like Comey are not empowered to decide whether to bring criminal charges.

Comey’s sole job was to investigate and turn over the information gathered to the U.S. Attorney for the jurisdiction where the alleged crime occurred.

Lynch allegedly falsely claimed she did not shield Clinton from criminal charges. …

Read the full report on the corrupt FBI’s treatment of Clinton’s email crimes. PBS. …

There were other legal issues involving whether Clinton violated the Hatch Act which requires citizens to avoid specific types of political activity.

The act exempts the President and Vice President but not others in the Executive branch of government where Hitlary was then Secretary of State.


* Source: Conversation with MS Edge Browser’s Ai, “Copilot,” 6/26/2024.

** HiTlary is a word-play on “Hillary” which highlights her greed for power like Adolf Hitler, Fȕhrer of the Third Reich which murdered millions of Jews during the Nazi reign of terror.

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