Mark Levin Urges Trump to File Extraordinary Writs for SCOTUS Review of Felony Convictions in NYC

Mark Levin Urges Trump to File Extraordinary Writs for SCOTUS Review of Felony Convictions in NYC

Extraordinary Writ is the Answer

To Reverse Trump’s Conviction

Mark Levin Radio Show 6/04/24

Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur 6/26/24   © Copyright JF 2024. All rights reserved.

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Mark Levin urges Trump’s lawyers to file an extraordinary writ with SCOTUS. © Copyright JF 2024. All rights reserved.

Mark Levin Radio Show has been outlining for over a month the opportunity of filing a common-law writ for SCOTUS to review the 34-count felony conviction of former President Donald J. Trump last week in Manhattan.

Former Harvard professor of law, Dr. Alan Gershowitz concurs.

The writ could be in the form of an emergency petition for certiorari which SOTUS accepted from ex-President George W. Bush in 2000; or, as a writ of habeus corpus, or a writ of mandamus.

As of publication time, Trump’s attorneys have not made such petition to SCOTUS. Levin has wondered why on several of his subsequent shows. 

One thing’s for sure, if you don’t file a petition with SCOTUS, they definitely will NOT review it. 



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