Republican Kentucky AG Wins 6th Circuit Appeal for Women’s Rights

Republican Kentucky AG Wins 6th Circuit Appeal for Women’s Rights

Gov. Beshear’s KY Democrats Vow

to Continue Fighting AGAINST

Title IX Equal Rights for Women

7/19/24 Cincinnati, OH

ai art illustration of 3-judge panel
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals 3-panel jurists. Ai art

A three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, OH is keeping a lower federal court decision to block  Rogue Biden’s and Democrat-Nazi Party’s unconstitutional modification of equal rights law known as Title IX (nine).

Kentucky Attorney General (AG) Russell Coleman (R-KY) participated in the Sixth Circuit challenge of Democrat Party / Rogue Biden’s rules to fundamentally change the federal law called Title IX.

The Executive branch of government does not have authority to create nor amend laws without the House and Senate initiating amendments or introducing new laws.

The court ruled that Rogue Biden [Democrat Party] did not have authority to alter the plain language of Title IX which obligates equal rights for women in sports, extracurricular activity, accommodations, etc.

In other words, the statutory language regarding “women” and girls cannot be expanded to include non-biological entities who choose to identify in the sex opposite their birth sex.

University of Kentucky’s (UK) star female swimmer, Riley Gaines,* launched a career as an advocate to protect women’s and girls’ rights established under Title IX.

According to the Washington Examiner,** Kentucky, Indiana (7th Cir.), Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia (4th Cir.), and West Virginia (4th Cir.) were involved in the legal battle.

However, the Sixth Circuit does not include Indiana, Virginia, nor West Virginia, so that particular appeal would not involve those areas unless they filed amicus briefs with permission of the court.

Federal Sixth Circuit courts cover Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.**

The 3-panel decision may be appealed to the full body of the Sixth Circuit court jurists (16 total judges) sitting “en banc,” meaning the entire body of judges.

If the full panel of 16 jurists chose not to hear a reconsideration motion, the case could then qualify to file a Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

Gov. Andy Beshear (Democrat-Nazi, KY)**** always takes the extreme left position in lock-step with the national Democrat-Nazi Party.

Beshear is touted as a “serious” candidate to join V.P. Kamala Harris on the Democrat presidential ticket should Ms. Harris replace Rogue “President” Biden as the Democrat-Nazi party’s nominee for President of the United States (POTUS).

Kentucky law does allow the governor to run for another office while remaining in office as sitting governor.


* Riley Gaines’ podcast “Gaines for Girls.”

** Federal appeals court refuses to lift order blocking Biden administration’s Title IX rule, by Ailin Vilches Arguello, July 18, 2024 4:07 pm.

*** According to MS CoPilot Ai:

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