Gov. Beshear is Being Vetted for VP Spot but is Long-Shot on Short List

Gov. Beshear is Being Vetted for VP Spot but is Long-Shot on Short List

Disenfranchised 14 + Millions

Harris’ Coup d’etat of Dems

Party Presidential Ticket

7/26/24 Eclectic sources

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Gov. Andy Beshear unlikely VP pick despite vetting by Kamala Harris’ team. Ai illustration. Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Speaking at his “Team Kentucky” press conference 7/25/24, Gov. Andy Beshear said he’s being vetted for consideration as a Vice President of the United States on the Democrat ticket stolen by current VP Kamala Harris.

But, you have to listen closely to what he said because it’s a Perry Mason moment.

Beshear said: “I am honored to be considered and will do as much as I can to elect Kamala Harris as President.

“I can give the same statement that I started out with and that’s what I’m authorized to give at this moment.”

If he was not actively participating in a vetting process, he would not have limited his statements to what he said was quote “what I’m authorized to give at this moment.”

Who authorized a restriction on Gov. Beshear’s free speech?

Harris’ acolytes who are in charge of selecting a VP gave the ‘mums the word’ order. Democrat Party ticket was stolen from the 14 + million electorate who voted for Rogue Biden in the Democrat primary when a small kabal decided to expel Rogue Biden and install Harris as top of the Democrat Party presidential ticket.

U.S. House Speaker Johnson said [the coup d’etat to oust Rogue Biden] violates election laws, rules, and regulations in addition to campaign financing issues because the donors intended to fund a campaign with Biden leading the Democrat ticket.

But, since the Democrats control the corrupt judiciary, it is not likely any court action challenging the new ticket would succeed.

Long Shot on Short List

It is not likely that Beshear would be selected because he could not help Harris gain electoral college wins in the geographic areas called swing states holding large electoral college votes, like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Florida.

Perry Mason Moment

Despite that, Beshear’s choice of words clearly indicate that he is being vetted.

Practical politics means that if Beshear is picked, the Democrat Party is acting out of shear desperation.

Beshear is the most radical left-wing governor to ever be elected and re-elected in Kentucky.

Before Beshear’s re-election, he was ordered to pay $250,000 in a class-action lawsuit to redress constitutional deprivations of those who he ordered not to attend church during covid.

Of course, the money was paid by Kentucky taxpayers, not Beshear. Now that’s re-distribution of wealth.

Beshear’s history of abusing and suppressing civil rights of Kentuckians is not surprising since Democrat Party has disenfranchised party member votes by selecting Vice President Harris as presumptive nominee despite the fact that Rogue Biden won the lion share of actual votes cast in the primary.

Harris was the first to drop out of the 2016 Democrat presidential primary and never garnered more than one-tenth of one-percent of the electorate.

During Covid hoax, Beshear disenfranchised Kentuckians from their rights secured by the 14th Amendment which guarantees the federal Bill of Rights to citizens of the various states.

Beshear Ignoring Crime Against Elderly Who are Being Kicked out of UK Dental Services

Beshear is one of the several politicians who has failed to respond to’s request for comment on the DEATH PANEL plot of University of Kentucky (UK) Dental Services which is kicking Medicare patients out of UK’s clinics unless they have Cigna or Delta dental coverage; or, Medicaid.

Cigna coverage is offered on AMAC’s medicare site, but costs at least $21 co-pay and $545 deductible (cumulative bills must be at least $545 before insurance coverage will pay out) and that is on the dual-coverage advantage plan which is based on income being lower than $2,400 per month!

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